Best Albums of 2011

Barn Owl

I threw together a Top Ten list of the best albums of the past year for the CBS site Street Date. It’s a fun task, but not always easy, as anyone who’s done it knows–you inevitably miss a few things, and weeks or months (or more) later, you may come to regret your choices. Either way, though, it stands as a capsule of where your head is at at a specific point in time. Here’s where mine’s been at lately.

My Top Ten albums of 2011

The Feelies

The recently revamped indie blog Songs:Illinois has a YouTube Saturday feature that’s pretty cool, and among the recent treats was a clip of the Feelies playing “Crazy Rhythnms” at the New Jersey club Maxwell’s. Know the Feelies? This band rocked my world in the ’80s. Not sure when the clip is from, but it’s well worth checking out.